Non-Sale Products

Citrix products sometimes include various supporting products/components that are not independently available for sale. Examples are listed below. For additional details, follow the links to their support articles.

Examples include the following:

Code level maintenance for these items is typically delivered in the form of Major or Minor Versions or Hotfixes. When an updated major or minor version is released, it will supersede the previous versions unless otherwise noted by Citrix. Citrix will typically support each major version (e.g., 2.0) or minor version (e.g., 2.x) for a minimum of 12 months after the release of the next major version (e.g., 3.0) or minor version (e.g., 2.y). Often to resolve specific issues, Citrix may require upgrading to the latest version. Previous product versions will not be modified, enhanced or altered once an updated version is available.

For Citrix productivity apps such as Secure Mail and Secure Web, Citrix will support the latest version that is currently in the App store.

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