Seamlessly integrate Windows 365 Cloud PCs into your enterprise

User experience and security are a must when it comes to enabling modern work. Citrix helps you to securely deliver high-performing Windows 365 Cloud PCs on any device.

Now available! Integrate unlimited Windows 365 Cloud PCs, included in most Citrix subscriptions. Learn more

Citrix extends Windows 365 for the enterprise

Today, anywhere can be an office. Integrate Windows 365 to easily manage and deploy Cloud PCs and apps with the experience users demand for modern work.

Flexibility and choice

With the Citrix platform, customers with an established Citrix infrastructure, operational processes and experience, can quickly deploy Windows 365 technologies to their workforce. With a guided, four-step workflow, Citrix administrators can integrate Cloud PCs and manage them through a familiar interface. All of this is typically done without any significant reconfiguration, making implementation seamless. No new Identity Providers, URLs, packages or clients are required. Admins also get a single point of management for all Citrix-enrolled workloads, including Windows 365, enabling them to provision and deprovision Cloud PCs using Citrix management tools that are already established.

Enhanced, predictable user experiences

When integrating Windows 365 with Citrix, Microsoft users experience the benefits of Citrix HDX which provides an adaptive, unified user experience and multimedia performance without compromise across any network and application, even on low-bandwidth or high-latency connections. Enterprise customers get the same predictable traffic patterns that networks have been tested and implemented to support. Citrix also provides the widest array of devices and peripheral support, including vast multi-monitor configurations, A/V devices, and specialty peripherals to guarantee your business users can use the devices they need to.

Additional security layers for new use cases

With modern security solutions included in the Citrix platform, customers can add additional layers of protection to applications and data accessed through their Windows 365 Cloud PCs. Real-time assessments of the user and device security posture, continuous enforcement of security policies, built-in user privilege management, tamper-proof DLP measures, and advanced security policies enable customers to protect data and ensure compliance. Combining Windows 365 Cloud PCs with Citrix’s built-in Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution, Secure Private Access (SPA), provides rapid onboarding of remote users while limiting the surface for insider-based attacks and preventing lateral movement.

Learn how the Citrix platform and Microsoft virtualization solutions can benefit you.

Citrix helps you get more from your Windows 365 deployment

  • Easily adding Cloud PCs to an existing Citrix environment
  • Integrating Cloud PCs into a larger application delivery infrastructure
  • Adjusting for high-turnover environments such as developers that need frequent reprovisioning
  • Scaling for short-term workers, rapid bursting, and seasonal fluctuations
  • Enabling BYOC programs and shared devices 

See how Citrix and Windows 365 enable modern work with high-performance Cloud PCs.

Learn more about Citrix and Windows 365

Contact your Citrix representative or talk to your Citrix partner.