NetScaler Console

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Although Citrix ADM is now NetScaler Console, you will continue to see references to Citrix ADM for some of the older releases.

The NetScaler telemetry program is automatically enabled in the following releases:

  • NetScaler Console on-prem: 14.1 25.53 and later. Read more
  • NetScaler Console on-prem: 13.1 53.22 and later. Read more

Starting with Console 14.1-43.50 and 13.1 57.26 Console versions, NetScaler Console will automatically remove the telemetry metrics profile configuration from managed NetScaler instances if present. This configuration was introduced as part of the NetScaler telemetry program but is no longer in use.. Read more

Citrix ADM Release 13.1

NetScaler MAS Release 12.1

NetScaler MAS Release 12.0

Observability Integrations

Sample Dashboards