Citrix Blogs

Citrix Universal for CSP: We’ve transitioned, now what?

This year has been very exciting for the Citrix Service Provider world! Since 2008, the CSP program has allowed service providers all over the world to deliver value to their customers through well developed service offerings that revolve around Citrix technology. With over 2 million active users being serviced by our CSP partners by 2024, our CSP program was due for an update that helped partners adapt to the current market needs. Enter Citrix Universal for CSP!

Focused on the right audience, with partners’ needs in mind

The CSP program has always been aimed towards SMB and mid-market customers, and it is our preferred route to market to service customers in these segments. Our CSP partners have the knowledge, skill sets, and scale to empower customers with packaged services that cater to their business priorities and use cases. With this in mind, Citrix has consolidated many product offerings into a single Universal for CSP offering with the purpose of transforming our business and delivering our partners with stability through an annual commit model, simplicity by going from ~1000 down to 2 SKUs and removing reporting requirements, and a massive amount of value through a dramatic increase in capacity and capabilities.

On the other hand, as part of this transformation, we also learned that this model might not be the best fit for our smaller CSP partners. For this reason, just last week we announced a new strategic partnership with Arrow that will allow these partners to keep adding value to their customers through a program that better adapts to their specific needs. For more information on that topic, please check this blog by our VP of Channel Programs, Ethan Fitzsimons.

Wasn’t this supposed to be a technical blog?

I know, you expected a technical update, so enough with the sales pitch, let’s get into it. With September 1st being the suggested date to transition off of legacy CSP licensing, we are now helping partners switch current (and new) customers to Citrix Universal for CSP. So as a partner that already made this move, you might be asking, now what? 

Citrix Universal for CSP entitlements

Let’s start by looking at the entitlements that are delivered to your Citrix account. To make this easier, I’ve created the following slide.

As you can see, your Citrix Universal for CSP can be divided into three main umbrellas. Keep in mind that license versions are no longer a concern either, from now on, all of your Citrix, NetScaler, and XenServer licensing is at Premium level.

The 15% free buffer is really free

I’d also like to quickly cover the 15% free buffer, which applies specifically to the Citrix licensing portion, as its behavior varies between CVAD and DaaS. First and foremost, keep in mind that your 15% free buffer is not included in the total number of licenses delivered to your partner account, they are managed as an overage in the case of Citrix DaaS, and an overdraft for CVAD, let’s expand on this.

Which license files and where?

Now that we understand the entitlements that will be delivered to your CSP partner account by Citrix Universal for CSP, I am sure you want to know how to make the transition and start taking advantage of the new licenses. It’s really simple.

Note: Our licensing documentation does a great job at explaining NS Flex licensing and the various license files utilized. While we know this might represent a change to your current NS architecture, transitioning to NS Console will allow our CSP partners to unlock the true potential of NS Flex licensing. I encourage you to contact your CSP AE / ATS team if you need further assistance with this transition.

The future is now

Adoption is king

As mentioned before, one of the main goals with Citrix Universal for CSP is to bring lots of VALUE by providing increased capacity and capabilities; it facilitates migrations to the Cloud and modernization due to its hybrid nature. The feature set included in both CVAD and DaaS allows our CSP partners to build modular offerings that can easily adapt to customer requirements, while also providing the flexibility to drive increased adoption at scale. Universal licensing easily adapts to different offering designs, whether it is use-case based, verticalized, or “a la carte”. Let’s look at some sample use cases that will allow you to increase product adoption.

On the other hand, NetScaler Flexed was not created with only DaaS workloads in mind. By bringing NetScaler flexed licensing and NetScaler Console together, we ensure rapid deployment and automation, easier maintenance, central patch management, and more. Our intention is that you use NetScaler Flexed beyond the DaaS use cases and increase adoption by solving new, unexplored use cases.

Developing new functionality

Our Product Management teams have been working hard to fill any gaps that prevent our partners from building flexible, scalable offerings that leverage Citrix technology to its full potential. New product features are being developed as you read this and we encourage partners to check for the latest product updates.

As we move forward, the future looks incredibly bright for Citrix Service Providers with the introduction of Citrix Universal for CSP. This transition empowers partners to deliver even greater value to their customers with enhanced stability, simplicity, and value. By streamlining licensing and expanding capabilities, CSPs are now better positioned to meet the evolving demands of businesses in the rapidly changing EUC landscape.

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