Citrix Blogs

The Click-Down: Enabling remote and hybrid learning

Back-to-school season is in full swing. The 2020 school year was especially hard on students and teachers alike. When COVID-19 hit, most schools and universities were not equipped for remote learning. More than 200 million higher-ed students and over 250 million children age k-12 were affected globally. A lot of schools had serious IT challenges that forced them to reevaluate and change their IT infrastructure. The challenges schools faced were not unique to them and were shared by a lot of industries that had to shift overnight to remote or flexible work environment.

In this episode of The Click-Down podcast, we invite Todd Smith, Sr. Sales Engineering Manager and educational evangelist, to talk to us about some of the challenges that schools faced in 2020 and what they did to adjust to remote learning. We talked about some of the top concerns as students returned to campus this fall and what schools did to be better equipped for remote or hybrid learning. Todd discusses the different Citrix solutions that helped with hybrid learning, including Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, Remote PC Access, Citrix Analytics, and Citrix Secure Internet Access, as well as zero trust network access and secure access service edge (SASE). Finally, he gives us his take on the future of education.

Although this episode is focused on education, the lessons learned and discussion can be applied to other industries, as well.

You can find all the episodes of The Click-Down on Spotify, Apple, Google podcasts, Stitcher, or on your podcast platform of choice!

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