Citrix Blogs

TraitWare delivers simple, secure access to Citrix Workspace

This is a guest blog post by Heath Spencer, CEO of TraitWare.

Citrix continues to empower companies to have better and more secure access to enterprise resources. Now, it has expanded its capabilities and enhanced user experience, efficiency, and security by deploying modern authentication integrations for Citrix Workspace via SAML 2.0.

What is SAML 2.0?

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based open standard for transferring identity data between two parties: an identity provider and a service provider. The standard has been around since 2002 but has evolved and improved. SAML 2.0 makes the service provider the party that issues the authentication request rather than the single sign-on (SSO) profiles being initiated by the IdP, as in SAML 1.1.

Why is this so exciting?

To deliver secure access to apps, businesses need a simpler way to control user access. SAML 2.0 enables a centralized location to implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) and allows organizations to simplify user requirements for logins while increasing security.

2020: A tipping point for remote work

The rapid move to remote work has been difficult for businesses that rely on perimeter-based security practices. This approach to security has been around for a long time (think castles, surrounded by walls and moats).

In the digital arena, we deployed similar protections via firewalls that acted as a wall or moat. But people need access to apps and data at all times, no matter where they are. VPNs let people in, but once behind the wall, users had implicit trust. They could go anywhere inside the perimeter. This implicit trust approach allowed bad actors to navigate to sensitive or critical infrastructure once inside.

It turns out, the No. 1 way a cybercriminal gains access to an organization’s assets is through a user’s credential-based login. A zero trust framework requires MFA from login through every step.

Citrix is a leader in empowering people and enterprises to achieve secure access to enterprise applications and is constantly innovating. Citrix Secure Workspace Access provides a zero trust approach to securely access corporate web, SaaS, and virtual applications. With advanced security controls for managed, unmanaged, and BYO devices, it’s ideal for IT and employees alike.

That’s why we partnered with Citrix. At TraitWare, we believe in modern and pioneering solutions that enhance user experience and increase security for the enterprise — all in alignment with the Citrix vision.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as Zero Trust Access Control

TraitWare believes MFA should be native to the technology and simple for the user. Citrix has announced a public preview and support of SAML 2.0 open standard for integrating with any identity provider of choice. TraitWare is a Citrix Ready Partner, and our passwordless MFA solution is one of the first few to have completed the validation of this feature with Citrix Workspace deployment

MFA is a requirement today and is the first control you should put in place for optimal zero trust enterprise security. You can deploy TraitWare’s passwordless MFA login in minutes because MFA is inherent in the solution. TraitWare provides the user with a passworldless login to Citrix Workspace in three touches, from a device they already carry. TraitWare is already part of the Citrix Ready Workspace Security Program, and we can enable use for both on-prem and cloud deployments.

Benefits of SAML Authentication

How does it work?

With Citrix and TraitWare, instead of logging in to each application with separate credentials, you’ll log into Citrix Workspace and SSO into your apps and desktops in just three touches, without having to remember a username and password again!

Simply navigate to your Citrix Workspace login page. There, you’ll be presented with the TraitWare QR screen. Open the TraitWare app on your mobile device, click the account, then confirm your identity with a biometric like your fingerprint. Use the camera in the app to scan the QR code and you’ve logged in to your Citrix Workspace.

The magic that happens in the background is SAML, which is built into the technology, allowing a simple, secure, plug-and-play login experience.

For more on how you can maximize security for your company and vastly improve your user experience, visit our website, and check out the video below to see how TraitWare passwordless login works.

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