Citrix Blogs

Introducing Citrix Strategic Advisory Services

Digital transformation is not a one-and-done project. It’s ongoing and must be continually nurtured and evolved. Organizations that implement technology without looking at how it fits in the big picture can create more challenges than benefits. It’s more important than ever that companies look to engage with strategic partners that offer enabling solutions that fit into their digital transformation big picture while also offering innovative services that support them throughout their journey.

I’m excited to announce the launch of the Global Strategic Advisory organization at Citrix, aimed at supporting alignment of Citrix technology to our customers’ digital transformation strategies across four key disciplines.

These services can be leveraged independently to support various phases of digital transformation initiatives. However, the real power of this organization is realized when customers engage our team of domain experts holistically, across their entire transformation journey. Let’s look at these disciplines in detail.

Employee Experience

Employee experience (EX) isn’t just about providing your workforce with the latest apps and devices — it’s about creating a simple, modern, more fulfilling experience for your most valuable asset: employees. Research shows that companies that invest in employee experience have a more engaged, productive workforce, which translates to a better customer experience. Digital transformation can help organizations provide the tools people need and instant access to everything they need from anywhere.

Our team of employee experience experts engage executives in demonstrating how Citrix can be a key partner in improving EX and driving positive business outcomes around higher employee retention, improved organizational productivity, and increased innovation.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is aimed at accelerating our customers’ ability to deliver the best employee experience possible, while achieving business results using human-centered methodologies. Design thinking experts are available to assist customers through highly interactive discovery sessions, journey mapping workshops, and experience consultations focused on unearthing future initiatives, identifying roadblocks, and co-innovating a delightful employee experience.

Solution Strategy

Solution Strategy experts provide customer advocacy and business-level solution expertise aimed at helping customers achieve their business goals. Our solutions strategy executives work alongside CXOs to understand and validate their technology and business strategy and validate that Citrix and ecosystem solutions are a good fit.

Business Value Engineering

Business Value Engineering is a systematic, outcome-based approach that applies recognized methodologies to understand how a business operates, to identify inefficiencies, and to help optimize the business. Our team of business value experts work alongside our customers to shape how Citrix solutions can help increase revenue, reduce costs, and expand market share.

Learn More

Be on the lookout for the launch of our Strategic Insights webinar series, where we will share our perspective on a wide variety of topics across these disciplines.

We are excited to launch the Citrix Strategic Advisory services organization and look forward to engaging with you soon. If you’re interested in learning more or want to engage with our domain experts, please contact your Citrix sales representative.

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