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DaaS simplicity for all Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service customers now available!

As we promised back in September, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service is now even more flexible to address your ever-changing business needs. We are pleased to announce that all Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service customers now have the option to seamlessly deploy new DaaS workloads right from the Citrix Cloud console. Yes, Citrix is giving admins new options to offload IT management by making Desktops-as-a-Service easier than ever before with our new consumption-based, Citrix Managed Azure offering.

Host Your Workloads in Citrix Managed Azure

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service has long enabled organizations to deploy hybrid-cloud environments, bringing together on-premises deployments alongside public cloud hosting to meet your business needs. As we’ve heard from many administrators during the pandemic, this was instrumental in rapidly scaling remote work solutions. We also know that in some cases — such as contractor hires, mergers and acquisitions, or temporary workers — you want the same benefits of scale, with some additional isolation from your primary Azure subscription. Wouldn’t a separate Azure subscription managed and maintained by an industry-leading virtualization vendor like Citrix be the perfect solution? Now you can subscribe to Citrix Managed Azure and leverage it to deploy your workloads in minutes for the various use cases mentioned above.

If you are using Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service today with an on-premises workload deployment and are eager to make the transition to the cloud, this is a great place to start. Citrix Managed Azure offers the fastest path to hybrid-cloud benefits. You can add consumption-based Citrix Managed Azure funds to your account and be up and running with your new apps and desktops in a matter of minutes. Making it even easier, Citrix Managed Azure is available for purchase directly from the Azure Marketplace. Got a big Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment? Use it to purchase Citrix Managed Azure directly from the Azure Marketplace, and seamlessly integrate new cloud capacity your existing Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service account. It’s that easy. You will be billed in arrears on a monthly basis in a true consumption-based IaaS model.

Can it get any better? Citrix also simplifies the deployment of workloads in Azure by providing quick create scenarios that include easy-to-select machine type, region, and number of machines needed. This makes it easy to deploy virtual apps and desktops in real time to meet the immediate needs of business continuity or spikes in demand.

How Does Citrix Managed Azure Work?

Citrix Managed Azure capacity is available to all our Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service customers, with easy monthly billing. Leveraging this option, organizations worldwide can deploy the VMs in four Azure locations globally: U.S. East, U.S. West, West Europe, and Australia East (with more locations coming online throughout the year). These workload locations, combined with 20+ global points of presence of Citrix Gateway service optimize the user experience no matter where your users reside.  Of course, Citrix admins can still leverage their own Azure subscription and manage workloads in any global region.

Attaching Citrix Managed Azure Subscription to My Existing Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service

You can activate a Citrix Managed Azure resource location in two ways. Of course, you can simply order the add-on through your Citrix sales representative, where you can purchase Azure consumption funds in advance, or sign up for monthly billing based on usage. Alternately, you can purchase Citrix Managed Azure Consumption Funds add-on directly through the Azure Marketplace.

Once the order is complete, simply confirm the subscription in your account by going to Manage → Quick Deploy → Cloud Subscriptions, and Citrix Managed will be listed.

Rolling out new workloads is easy. To use Citrix Managed Azure when creating a catalog in Quick Deploy, just click on Create Catalog and select Custom Create. Under the subscription option, make sure to select “Citrix Managed.”

Measuring and Monitoring Citrix Managed Consumption

If you are new to the cloud and not sure how much consumption you will use, we recommend purchasing a small amount in advance. Citrix offers a simple consumption calculator that can help determine usage. If you do go over your allotment of consumption, Citrix will bill you for any overages at the end of the month at the same rate, no overage penalties. You can track your usage from the Citrix admin console at any time by selecting Consumption Reports → Consumption usage data within the admin console.

Leverage Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC)

Customers can also leverage their MACC agreement using Citrix Managed Azure when they buy through Azure Marketplace. Citrix Managed Azure consumption funds qualify for your consumption commitment, as well as many other Citrix services. To take advantage of this benefit, simply purchase a qualifying offer on Azure Marketplace using a subscription that’s related to your Azure agreement.

Deployment Options Supported

You have the flexibility to deploy Multi-session or Single session Windows and Linux operating systems. You can also provision persistent or non-persistent workloads based on your requirements. Citrix supports Windows servers from Windows 2008 R2 to Windows 2019, Win 10 Multi-session*, Windows 10 or Windows 7 single session operating systems along with Linux Multi-session or single session workloads.

Compute and Storage Options Available Using Citrix Managed Azure

Citrix provides a curated list of compute types and storage options in select regions. Each compute and storage option has its own price point. You can pick the optimal compute size; storage size and type based on your use case and pay for what you use. Citrix is targeting to add more options for you in the near future. Below is the list of compute options that are available today:

In terms of storage, you can pick either Standard HDD or Premium SSD in different sizes such as 128 GB, 256 GB or 512 GB.

Connecting to Resources in My Azure or On-Prem

Even though Citrix manages this Azure capacity, customers who want to communicate with existing resources on their Azure subscription can use Azure VNet peering to connect resources. Also, you can leverage Citrix SD-WAN to connect to your on-prem resources directly.

Citrix Brings You Flexibility, Simplicity, Security in One Simple Solution

The addition of Citrix Managed Azure ensures ultimate flexibility for your deployment, making Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service the most comprehensive VDI and DaaS solution available today. Administrators now have all the tools at their fingertips to deliver apps and desktops from any cloud or datacenter to any device, anywhere. Citrix delivers enterprise-class solutions securely, with simplicity, giving an admin experience that puts IT in control without the management and maintenance hassle. Why settle for a limited solution that can’t keep up with your day-to-day business challenges? If you haven’t tried Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service, we invite you to do more with Citrix.

Learn More About Citrix Managed Azure

If you are an existing Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service customer, add the Citrix Azure Consumption Fund add-on by contacting your Citrix representative or go to Azure Marketplace and sign up today. It takes just $1 to get started, and Citrix will bill you monthly for any consumption.

If you are a new customer or are interested in purchasing today, please contact us to speak to a representative or order Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service with Citrix Managed Azure Consumption funds as an add on via Azure Marketplace.

*Note: Windows 10 Multi-session deployments via Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop are dependent on specific Microsoft licensing. Please review our Citrix + Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop page for details.

Disclaimer: The development, release and timing of any features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion and are subject to change without notice or consultation. The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions or incorporated into any contract.

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