Citrix Blogs

Welcome to the new journey-centric Success Center

One of the greatest perks of working in Customer Success is having the opportunity to learn and hear directly from our customers. It informs our decisions, improves our services, and ultimately enriches the resources and experiences we create.

We’ve seen our Customer Success relationships drive better user outcomes and help shape our product roadmap. But this year, we’ve also seen how those relationships have strengthened our ability to serve our customers through some of the most challenging circumstances they’ve ever had to endure.

Adapting to a fully remote workforce.

Keeping people connected and productive, regardless of physical distance.

Reimagining the future of work, all while keeping systems running smoothly and employees engaged.

The resiliency and ingenuity of our customers has inspired us to take a closer look at their experiences and to evaluate how our Customer Success team helps them navigate their journey.

Throughout the year, we’ve been working on a number of initiatives to understand our customers’ Citrix experiences. We facilitated customer interviews and workshops to learn about the key milestones and moments that matter most to them. We uncovered common challenges and opportunities for enriching the content we share. And we collected candid feedback directly from the people who use and rely on our solutions every day.

We’re excited to share our first round of outcomes as a result of this work. Throughout the month of December, we’ll deep dive on the learnings behind this project and provide guidance on how to best utilize the new Success Center — and all the resources in it.

The Citrix Customer Journey

After wrapping up our customer workshops, we moved into data analysis. We synthesized all the insights and quotes we gathered from our many interviews — from customers around the world and across industry segments — and distilled them into several core themes.

Along the way, we learned that our customers’ journeys were often anything but linear. We came to see that the iterative and cyclical nature of their projects could sometimes lead to confusion around what steps to take next or where to turn for guidance. We saw an opportunity to more clearly map the customer journey, tying each step to actionable success milestones.

The result was a more streamlined and experience-focused customer journey, consisting of five key stages:

  1. Plan: Setting your project up for success
  2. Build: Getting started with your solution
  3. Rollout: Introducing your technology to your team
  4. Manage: Keeping a pulse on your performance
  5. Optimize: Finding the best path forward for your business
Click image to view larger.

This simple framework — the Citrix customer journey — is the foundation of all of our Customer Success-driven experiences, content, and communications.

The New Success Center

This updated customer journey can be clearly seen in our fully revamped Success Center experience, which launched last week. Here are some of the changes you’ll notice the next time you visit:

A Journey-Centric Experience

We redesigned the entire Success Center experience around the customer journey. On the Home and the Customer Journey pages, you’ll find information about key project milestones, as well as brief context on what to expect at each stage.

Click image to view larger.

Milestone-Aligned Content

We also reorganized all of the tools and content within the Success Center to map to specific stages of the journey. This new layout points customers directly to the most relevant resources and guidance they need, when they need it.

Click image to view larger.

You can still find all the materials that were previously in the Admin Toolkit — including pre-req checklists, build guides, and implementation guides — in the Success Center. They are now nested within the Build stage of the journey, organized by product.

Open Access to Journey-Led Content

Lastly, the content in the Success Center is now available to everyone, no login required. This change makes all our tools and resources easier to use and share with extended and cross-functional teams — like change management or employee experience. Please note that you will still need to sign into the Success Center to view and update your Success Plans.

The Journey Toolkit

During our workshops, we asked our customers to help us identify the Citrix assets they found most useful throughout their projects — from technical docs to end-user adoption materials.

We found we had an exciting opportunity to build even more robust, on-demand content to empower our customers to move through projects at their own pace. We evaluated our existing materials and got to work on developing a new collection of tools and resources to further enrich each stage of the journey, culminating in the Journey Toolkit.

The Journey Toolkit (accessible in the Success Center) includes a wide array of helpful tools and templates — designed for every stage of the journey — to streamline and accelerate your projects. Each asset within the toolkit maps to a specific milestone within each stage of the journey, creating a logical path for all our customers to follow.

Here are a handful of the exciting new resources included in the Journey Toolkit:

Click image to view larger.

All these materials are designed to provide clear and actionable guidance to help you navigate your journey with Citrix. They’re filled with tips, templates, and leading practices to help you build alignment with your team and extract the greatest value possible from your solutions.

What’s Next?

Over the coming months, we’ll continue to add even more resources to the Journey Toolkit to help you make the most of your Citrix experience. We’re also reimagining the Success Planning module to broaden your project planning initiatives and provide leading practice guidance along the way — more to come on that!

If you have any suggestions or have been looking for tips and guidance on a specific topic, please let us know. Leave us a comment below or send us an email at

We’ll explore the End User Experience Kit and Change Management Kit in depth in the next two installments of this blog series, so be sure to check back next week.

Special thanks to all the customers who participated in our workshops. Your feedback and insights have been invaluable to our project and integral to our growth. If you’d like to share your experiences or speak with our Customer Experience team, please contact us at

— Pippa Armes, Senior Content Strategist, Customer Success Management

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