Citrix Blogs

Are you working securely, or working remotely? – Part 1

This is the first of two posts from the Citrix Office of the CTO on helping your employees to increase situational awareness and reduce risks when working away from the corporate office. Read the second post here.

If you’re an IT admin for any of the millions of employees recently sent home to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, here are some useful tips you can provide to your teams to help increase their security IQ so they’re situationally aware and contextually risk appropriate. That’s a fancy way of saying, “Make sure they know what’s going on around them at all times, and they’re doing enough of the right things to protect the security and privacy of themselves, the organization, and your customers.”

Tip 1: Assess Your Work Space

Never worked from home before? Take a step back and look at your physical space from all angles and perspectives. Can it adequately provide for the security and privacy of sensitive data?

Tip 2: Choose video chat and collaboration tools wisely

Not surprisingly, the use of collaboration software and video chat have exploded in recent weeks. Take full use of them, but remember, these services are recording your video, voice, and chat conversations.

Tip 3: Rethink What and How You Share

In addition to clicking on risky links, there are several common practices that erode security and privacy in seemingly invisible ways.

Tip 4: Be Wary of Your New “Co-Workers”

While you may be tempted to let your kids use your work PC “just this one time,” think again. The same goes for sharing networks and credentials (even for entertainment services). Just don’t do it.

Tip 5: Make Privacy a Priority

We’re all familiar with corporate security policies, but who’s helping you manage your personal privacy? Corporate and personal privacy should be considered as synonymous when it comes to security priorities. Treat your own security with the same precautions as your corporation governs for work.

Note to IT Professionals: Working securely while working remotely is both an immediate requirement and an ongoing challenge. We’re all learning together how to optimize for the “new normal.” Some tips in this article can be directly implemented by your displaced workers, and some will require IT assistance. Let’s use them as a foundation to generate an ongoing conversation around options for evolving the work-from-home situation from surviving to thriving.

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