Citrix Blogs

Citrix commitments during the COVID-19 crisis

As COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to impact people and organizations around the world, the health and safety of our employees, customers, partners, and communities remain our top priority. We are working tirelessly to do everything we can to prepare our operations and our customers to maintain safe, secure, and uninterrupted operations throughout this global crisis.

A growing number of customers and organizations are turning to Citrix for advice and support to enable secure remote-work initiatives that can ensure the safety and productivity of their employees and to maintain ongoing business operations throughout this evolving global crisis. In the past few weeks, we have shared remote work best-practices and examples from customers around the globe using our virtualization and workspace solutions to ensure secure and reliable remote access to the applications and information needed to drive business continuity.

And a number of innovative organizations are leveraging them to operate their businesses as usual. We’ve been working with the University of Sydney, for example. With more than 14,000 students unable to travel to Australia from China due to imposed travel bans, we’ve been able to help connect their China-based staff and students and provide access to the applications and data they need to continue teaching and learning from the comfort and safety of their residences. And the City of Corona in California has implemented our workspace technology so that they can be agile and access their systems and data in emergency situations.

We will continue to provide resources, guidance, virtual seminars, and other valuable resources to help organizations shape their own remote work and crisis-response programs.

We are also taking additional actions to ensure the safety of Citrix employees and to make Citrix solutions available to organizations of all sizes striving to keep teams safe and productive in remote work situations:

Citrix Employee Travel Restrictions and Work-From-Home Advisories

Related to our work-from-home policies in California and Washington State, with a reduced need for on-site support from certain Citrix hourly workers, we recognize the financial burden that creates. As such, we will continue to pay our hourly service employees during this period.

Extending Business Continuity Offers to Ensure Customer Safety and Success

Customers are asking us to help them make business continuity easy to do with options to expand user coverage rapidly. As such, we are launching new offerings that will allow our customers to speed the adoption of remote work and fuel business continuity even in the most tumultuous of times.

At Citrix, we are committed to helping organizations of all sizes enable a flexible and dynamic workspace infrastructure that empowers employees to continue to work safely and remotely in a secure way and keep business moving forward.

Finally, Citrix will earmark a portion of its charitable contributions to go to support efforts and programs that are actively responding to the COVID-19 virus worldwide, with an emphasis on organizations that are providing support and services to impacted individuals and families.

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