Citrix Blogs

App Protection is now GA for on-prem Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

When end users are accessing your corporate resources through personal or unmanaged devices, a holistic security strategy should include protecting against key logging and screenshot malware. With App Protection, an add-on to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, organizations can add a critical layer of defense to their apps and data to help prevent data breaches.

IT and end users alike have see the benefits of BYOD programs, which have led to an increase of personal devices in the workplace. Additionally, many companies need gig workers and contractors to use their personal devices to get work done. While IT takes measures to ensure that corporate-owned and managed devices are secure through policy administration, regular health checks, and web filtering, gig workers and contractors might not take the same measures on their personal devices. It’s unlikely that they are monitoring the health of their devices at all, despite the fact that they likely visit popular sites that are havens for malware. So, while IT invests in security solutions at double-digit growth rates, the risk of a data breach is still high because personal devices infected with malware can enter any corporate network.

Key logging and screen capture malware commonly affect unmanaged endpoints. When present on a device, key logging malware captures each key stroke entered by a user, creating a significant risk for an organization. The malware captures all the information end users type into a device, including user names and passwords. Screen-capture malware periodically takes a snapshot of the user’s screen, saving it to a hidden folder on the device or directly uploading it to the attacker’s server. This also creates significant risk because the attacker can exfiltrate all the information on the user’s screen.

App Protection can complement your IT security strategy by thwarting keylogging and screen capture malware that may live on personal devices. To defend against key loggers, App Protection scrambles keystrokes entered into the device, sending the attacker undecipherable text. It also prevents screen shot malware by turning all screen shots into a blank picture. Check out the video below to see App Protection in action.

App Protection is generally available as an add-on to on-premises Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops deployments, giving customers the flexibility to purchase and assign the policies just to the users that need them. If users are accessing Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops through a Mac, they must be using Citrix Workspace app version 2001 or later, while Windows users must access their Virtual Apps and Desktops through Citrix Workspace app 1912 or later. Contact your Citrix sales rep or partner to learn more about App Protection and purchasing options. App Protection policies for SaaS and web apps is currently under development.

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