Citrix Blogs

Tech Preview: Fully Managed with Work Profile mode on Android Enterprise

This blog post was co-authored by Johnathan Campos, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Citrix.

The Citrix Endpoint Management team is excited to announce a tech preview for Fully Managed with Work Profile mode on Android Enterprise. With this tech preview, CEM now supports all Android Enterprise modes for these use cases:

Formerly known as COPE, Fully Managed with Work Profile mode enables IT admins to manage corporate-owned devices that are also used for personal activities. This mode separates a user’s work and personal profiles, enabling IT admins to focus on securing and managing the device’s work container while supporting flexibility for employees’ personal use. IT admins can still take security-related actions on the device, including full wipe and, if required, can push policies on the personal side of the device.

The IT Admin Experience: Security

IT admins can manage both sides of a device, with a focus on the work side. The console provides a clear separation showing which policies apply to the work and personal sides of a device. With Fully Managed with Work Profile mode, IT admins can also publish apps on the work side via a managed Google Play Store, as with other modes and can leverage the Enrollment Profile to determine which devices should be enrolled, making management easier.

The User Experience: Flexibility

With Fully Managed and Work Profile mode, end users can use corporate-owned devices for personal activities without sacrificing security. They can use their personal account to access the Google Play Store and install any apps they need to perform personal tasks. Because the work and personal containers are separated, personal apps can’t interact with work apps. This gives IT admins the security controls they need while giving end users the flexibility they want.

Check out this demo, which shows a device enrolling in Fully Managed with Work Profile mode.

If this mode fits your use case and you’d like to give it try, enroll in our tech preview. All you have to do is fill in the request form and we’ll enable the feature for your POC.

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