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Why you don’t want to miss Citrix Synergy 2020

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2020 is going to be a momentous year. There’s just something about those nice symmetrical numbers, and it feels like something important is coming. Are you prepared to make the most of it?

Here at Citrix, we’re gearing up to make 2020 our best year yet — and yours, too. From product innovation to event planning, we’re working hard to ensure you’ll have everything you need to power a smarter, more flexible way to work.

Better yet, we’re giving you a prime opportunity to access it all in one place: Citrix Synergy 2020, May 19-21 in Orlando, Florida. Registration is now open, and we just launched a special sale offering the biggest savings you’ll see for this event. I want to be sure you know about it and can take advantage of this deal before it expires.

Now, let me tell you a little more about what you can expect at Synergy and how you can save.

The Future Is Here

Employee experience is the focus of so many organizations that are looking to unlock talent to gain a competitive edge and give their workforces the technology they need to think more creatively and work more purposefully. The future of work is personal, adaptive, and agile, and at Synergy, you’ll have the opportunity to explore how that guides Citrix innovation and enables you to tap into the creativity residing within your organization.

Synergy also offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in groundbreaking new technology and experience it for yourself in its entirety. You’ll also be among the first to see the latest demos, learn about cutting-edge products, and hear about the ingenious ways some of the most forward-thinking companies around are leveraging these solutions to get a leg up on the competition.

20/20 Vision

Synergy 2020 will also enable you to get crystal-clear on where you want to go, where it’s best to focus your energies and resources in 2020, and how to securely implement your plan with total efficiency and ease.

Here’s a taste of what you have to look forward to at this event:

In addition, there will be numerous opportunities to expand your professional network and fun ways to support the next generation of tech geniuses (Battle Bots, anyone?). All in all, you can expect three very full, enjoyable and fulfilling days that will position you to skillfully accomplish your goals for 2020 and beyond.

Don’t Miss Out on the Best Available Price

Now for the details about our sale: We just launched a special BOGO rate, which represents the biggest savings we’ll offer for this event, but it’s only available through midnight on December 31, 2019. In other words, register today to ensure you get the best deal available.

Here’s how the BOGO promotion works: Shortly after you register, you’ll receive an email that includes a unique code which will allow the person of your choice to register for free. That means that you and a buddy can attend together and enjoy all that Synergy has to offer, all for the price of one full conference pass. Just be sure to register soon and encourage your friend to use that code quickly because it will expire on January 6, 2020.

While you’re doing that, I’ll be busy finalizing details for the highly anticipated Final Night Party, which will take place on the last evening of Synergy. Those of you who have been to Orlando with us before know it’s going to be memorable, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. I promise to have more details for you next month; meanwhile, follow me on Twitter for Synergy news as it happens at @merisummers.

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