Citrix Blogs

Citrix Converge: Fixing work with Citrix Workspace microapps

As I teased in my recap, the Citrix Converge attendees exceeded our expectations when it came to their engagement, creativity, and interest in Citrix Workspace. After a six-hour hackathon, they built and demoed 15 useful and innovative microapps!

At the conference, after walking through various hands-on labs, attendees formed ad hoc teams and started projects of their choosing for a six-hour hackathon. At the end of the time period, 15 teams volunteered to demonstrate their integrations live on stage. It was quickly clear they recognized the opportunity we are creating with the Citrix Workspace platform. All the integrations used Citrix Workspace to guide and automate common work tasks with the goal of improving employee productivity and engagement.

We only expected (hoped for) a handful of demos. But in the end, we had more demos than we had time to demo! The attendees were engaged and excited to see what other teams had built, so we pushed on and made it a working lunch, as demo after demo showed us new and creative ways developers can “fix work” with Citrix Workspace microapps.

Solutions ran the gamut and included task automation related to diverse areas such as:

And the drumroll please for the winning demos. (You can almost hear it, right?)

The back-end systems integrations included:

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