Citrix Blogs

Enabling digital transformation with the power of cloud

This is a guest post from Walid Elemary, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at dinCloud.

Surveys show that 80 percent of consumers would pay more for a product from a company that delivers a superior customer experience. It’s becoming clear that organizations need to emphasize this part of their business strategy. Consumers today have more choice than ever in when and how they buy. As these same consumers become more digitally adept, they are demanding more digital options when looking to make those purchases.

This rapid pace of the change in consumer preferences is leading businesses to focus on digital evolution as part of their business strategy.

Enter the Digital Nomad

Not only are consumers driving the change in business strategy, so are trends in what employees want. A recent LinkedIn survey showed that flexible work arrangements have become more important to job seekers. The survey indicated a 78 percent increase in job posts in the last two years that included with the phrase “work flexibility.” Additionally, the report found a 24 percent increase in the number of respondents who say that flexible work arrangements are fundamental when they’re considering a new job offer. For businesses to meet the demand for exceptional customer experiences, they must attract and retain high quality talent. You can’t do this without providing a flexible workspace.

The benefits of a flexible workspace, however, extend far beyond just enhanced job satisfaction, higher retention rates, and increased productivity for your employees. The LinkedIn survey also noted that Dell’s flexible work program had saved the company more than $12 million per year.

Digital Transformation and Digital Nomads Drive Digital Evolution

Digital transformation and digital nomads have changed how businesses operate. Companies that embrace these changes see a reduction in costs, an increase in productivity, a more mobile workforce, greater operational efficiency, enhanced security, and more IT control.

While the benefits of embarking on a digital transformation and enabling the digital nomad are clear, implementing a secure, unified, and collaborative workspace can be a nightmare for IT admins. With data now being accessed from multiple locations and multiple devices, security becomes even more critical. Along with the organizational challenges of supporting a workforce that may never darken the door of your IT admin’s office, mergers and acquisitions, and normal fluctuations in the workforce, it’s clear that businesses need a desktop management process that addresses all these unique challenges.

dinCloud + Citrix: Enabling Digital Evolution

For businesses trying to manage these competing needs, there’s a solution: dinCloud Hosted Workspaces.

Citrix, along with dinCloud, is building the workspace of the future. The combined technology enables your business to utilize existing Citrix applications and workspaces without the added complication of managing your own infrastructure, all while retaining complete control over your workspace. The subscription-based solution is tailored to address the needs of businesses of all sizes and industries. The combined solution can help you:

Citrix is helping businesses just like yours reimagine the future of work, and the Citrix Ready dinCloud Hosted Workspaces can put you on the path to lasting digital evolution. How does your future look?

Learn more about the dinCloud-Citrix partnership.

Walid Elemary is Chief Technology & Innovation Officer at dinCloud, where he’s responsible for the company’s engineering and software development efforts. This encompasses pre-sales engineering support, technical support for customers, and development of tools that customers use.

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