Citrix Blogs

Security starts with secure internet browsing

We all know that security is top of mind for IT admins and executives, but do you have a game plan for your users to browse securely without compromising their experience? Citrix Secure Browser service can help.

Internet browsing is imperative to many operations. HR departments across industries need to vet potential candidates, law enforcement offices need to dig for critical information in investigations, retailers need to be able to price match with other stores, and much more. These tasks may be essential, but they also present risks. For example, accidentially downloading viruses and malware to your corporate network can compromise the security of your entire business.

But you can give your users a safe space to browse and be productive without touching your internal data center. How? Citrix Secure Browser service.

Citrix Secure Browser service empowers a user to follow any link or browse any site in a completely isolated web browser. By isolating all the web browsing activity in the cloud, IT admins can take comfort in knowing that any risky internet traffic is isolated from the sanctity of your corporate network and devices.

The internet browsing session is hosted in the public cloud, users can interact with the browser as if it were locally installed yet it’s isolated from their device, and the session is destroyed after the user logs off. Nothing can be downloaded to the user’s device while the user is in the browser. The browser session does not have a tracable IP address, and no information is cached.

Want to see how simple it is to immediately lower your security risk using Citrix Secure Browser? Check out this video:

Getting started with the capability in Citrix Cloud takes less than 15 minutes and can cost as little as $4.50 per user per month.

With Secure Browser, you can let your employees access social media sites, dig for information, and have access to the internet resources they need and have peace of mind in knowing that their activity won’t compromise your corporate network or devices.

Will you be at RSA Conference 2019? Visit us at Citrix booth #961 to learn more about Secure Browser or get started today. Attend one of our theater sessions at RSA to stay ahead of the security curve. Find out more here.

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