Digital business is here—and people are working everywhere on a multitude of devices. Traditional workplaces are no longer meeting the needs of today’s mobile workforce. Organizations must innovate and upgrade to meet the mobility requirements of employees, partners, and customers without risking the security and compliance of their data that IT demands.

To stay productive, people need an easy way to access and share their files from wherever they are. If productivity is hindered, business performance will inevitably suffer. Many organizations are embracing digital workspaces to boost worker productivity, increase security, and simplify IT.

So, how do you keep your workforce engaged and productive in today’s digital and mobile world?

  1. Anywhere access for anytime productivity

Your business runs on data. Every day you rely on probably close to a dozen apps to consume that data. Reliable access to your apps is a must-have for staying productive. Additionally, people need to be able to access, sync, and share files securely and easily from anywhere and on any device.

A digital workspace gives people the freedom to access what they need from wherever they’re working.

Off-the-shelf, personal file-sharing services not only pose security and compliance risks, but also make things hard for IT to manage. Your digital workspace must integrate a file-sharing solution built for the unique challenges of virtual environments. This way, your employees can collaborate whether they’re in the field using mobile devices, in the office on a laptop, or anywhere else.

  1. A user-centric security model

A firewall has traditionally protected your environment, acting as a perimeter for your data center. This worked as long as all your workers were in a physical office and connecting on-site to the network. Now workers are increasingly mobile and working in remote locations. Your workspace needs a secure digital perimeter that’s based on the user and their identity, not just location or device. Using contextual access policies, you need to be able to allow or deny access to your files based on the five W’s of access: who, what, when, where, and why.

Analytics can also detect user-based threats—like too many downloads and trying to access files they aren’t cleared for.

  1. Flexibility and choice

No two organizations are the same. Each has its own unique business and regulatory requirements. Therefore, IT should have the flexibility to choose where data is stored, whether on premises, in the cloud, or in a combination of both. Your file-sharing solution in a digital workspace needs to give you that choice as well as sync across all storage locations.

  1. Going beyond file sharing

These days, it’s not enough to just securely store your files. You have to be able to collaborate on those files in real time with peers, customers, and partners. Your digital workspace must extend beyond file sharing to embrace a content collaboration platform that focuses on security, workflows, and user mobility and productivity.

  1. Providing a great user experience

A bad user experience not only gets in the way of productivity, but it also forces employees to seek their own solutions without the blessing of IT. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, employees who believe their workplace effectively uses mobile tech are more creative, satisfied, and productive at work.

People need a smooth, easy way to access and collaborate on their files across devices and networks. Whether your data is stored in one place or many, having a single place to access it all, across all devices, is paramount for a smooth user experience.

With Citrix Workspace, you get a single, unified approach to apps, data, and desktops in a secure environment.