Citrix Blogs

Deploying StoreFront LTSR with DISA STIGs (Server 2012 Edition)

This post will cover the installation and configuration steps required for the Citrix StoreFront 3.12 Long Term Service Release on Windows Server 2012 R2 to comply with the applicable DISA STIGs as of early 2018.

This includes guidance for StoreFront compatibility with the following DISA STIGs:

These configurations are for StoreFront only and do not take into account other services that may be co-located on the same IIS server. These configurations may break those other services, so be mindful when utilizing the information below.

If you want some quicker reference information, see the Cheat Sheet section at the bottom of the post. If you are looking for more context around this blog series, please refer to my How to Deploy XenDesktop LTSR with DISA STIGs Overview.

Internet Information Systems and StoreFront Installation

Starting from a clean Windows Server 2012 R2 image, here are the steps to install Internet Information Systems (IIS) and StoreFront LTSR.

StoreFront Master Server Configuration

At this point you should have a single StoreFront server with a vanilla installation on a non-system drive. However, you’ll notice in IIS Manager that there is very little to perform STIGs on. For this reason, I now recommend that you make your base production StoreFront configurations. If this is not possible, at least create a base StoreFront Store with blank configurations. If your environment is disconnected from the Internet, I recommend disabling “Check for the publisher’s certificate revocation” in Internet Explorer under Settings > Advanced, or in Control Panel > Internet Options,to drastically improve the StoreFront console response time.

Perform the following base configurations from the StoreFront console:

StoreFront Server Groups and Propagation

At this point I recommend that you complete your other StoreFront server builds, add them to the same StoreFront Server Group, and then propagate your configurations prior to performing the STIG configurations in the rest of this post. You may run into issues here where you are able to join a Server Group, but not propagate changes. To fix this:

IIS 8.5 Server STIG and Configurations

Once you have your base StoreFront configurations complete, I recommend you now complete the IIS Server 8.5 STIG configurations. For the most part you can apply the STIG controls per DISA instructions. Below are the most critical STIG steps to perform in IIS Manager along with additional guidance for specific vulnerabilities. If a vulnerability is not listed, then it is safe to apply according to DISA instructions.

IIS 8.5 Site STIG Configurations

You are now ready to perform the IIS 8.5 Site STIG. This one is a little more involved and requires a bit more guidance than the Server STIG:

var doneClickThrough = false;

CTXS.Extensions.beforeLogon = function (callback) {

doneClickThrough = true;


messageTitle: "DoD Logon Banner",

messageText:  "<div class='logonBanner'>I've read & consent to terms in IS user agreem't.</div>",

okButtonText: "Accept",

okAction: callback });


In this example, I am using the approved shortened version of the DoD user agreement. If you wish to use the full agreement, I suggest that you also modify the banner GUI to auto scroll and be slightly larger. To accomplish this, add the following to style.css in the same folder (test the height setting that works best for your environment):

.logonBanner {

height: 400px;

text-align: left;

overflow-y: auto;


These customizations must be on each StoreFront server separately as these changes cannot be propagated through the StoreFront console.

Windows Server 2012 R2 STIG Configurations

The following configurations can be completed after StoreFront has been installed and configured to ensure compliance with the Server 2012 R2 STIG:

Other Considerations and Recommendations

Cheat Sheet

Here’s the abbreviated reference for the most important information from this post.

STIG exceptions needed:

Important Installation and Configuration Changes:

Potential issues:

I hope this was helpful. For those of you with NetScalers, I’ll publish a separate article on how to load balance a STIGed StoreFront Server Group properly. I also want to thank the VDI team out in Stuttgart for their help in validating some of these settings!

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions in the comments section.

Nick Czabaranek
Lead Architect for US Public Sector Consulting Services

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