Citrix Blogs

An Inside Look at the next Secure Mail release…

Secure Mail is changing…

Your Secure Mail app is continuing to evolve, and we are pretty sure you’ll like the updates we have in store.

As many of you have noticed, we have been making changes in Secure Mail (4+* on Apple App Store) to provide unification across our apps and a better, more native experience to users. Earlier this year we introduced a new blue hue, and soon we will introduce new improvements to the Secure Mail user interface and user experience including:

In the next update, you will see a change to the Secure Mail user interface and user experience including:

  1. A better way to navigate
  2. A new home for settings
  3. Easy attachment access
  4. Select with tap and hold for iOS

A better way to navigate: The grabber icon will be removed, and features such as Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Attachments will be available as buttons in the footer tab bar. This design change came from diverse customer focus groups that found the grabber to be neither intuitive nor convenient. The new tabbed navigation design will provide a more native feel and improve the experience for end-users, especially those with cases of “fat finger.”

Top navigation and floating action buttons will replace actions previously performed from the bottom tab. From the inbox, you can access triage view and search with a single click from the top right-hand corner. In an email, you have the option to flag, mark as unread, delete, or perform more options like move or print. Within a contact, the top right corner provides options to export or edit a contact. From attachments you have the option to sort or search for files. In the lower right-hand side, floating action buttons facilitate single-click action to compose an email, add a contact, create a new meeting, or reply to an email.

The Settings Menu has a new home: The Settings Menu is available within all tabs such as Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Attachments. To go to Settings, tap the hamburger icon and then tap the settings button available at the bottom right.

Easy attachment access: From the tab bar, you will be able to access your attachment repository. In the top right corner of the files tab, you will be provided with the following menu options:

The top navigation provides an easier way to take on actions without multiple clicks.

Select with Tap and Hold: While this feature is already available on Android, with the 10.8.25 release of Secure Mail, select with tap and hold will also be available on iOS. This means you can tap and hold on a mail item to select and perform actions.

This is just the start of the innovations we have planned for Secure Mail this year, for more information check out:

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