Citrix Blogs

Momentum Builds for Citrix Ultimate Rewards Launch

The stage is set for the Go-Live of Citrix Ultimate Rewards on February 10.

Since Craig Stilwell, VP, Worldwide Partner Sales, announced the new Partner Incentive Program at Summit 2018, the calendar has been packed with training webinars aimed at preparing our distributors and partners to begin using the program.

Here are some highlights of the countdown:

Jan. 8: Speaking from the Summit keynote stage, Craig highlighted the new offerings and the incentive amounts. Later that afternoon, Paul Fecteau, managing director, Worldwide Partner Programs, shared the details of the program with a standing room-only crowd.  

Jan. 8-9: Countless partners, eager to learn more, stopped by our booth throughout Summit to ask questions. I can’t count how many quick reference guides I handed out to anyone and everyone who passed by the booth!

Jan. 15-19: The momentum didn’t stop when we left Anaheim, though. The next week, I trained over 80 representatives from Citrix Distributor organizations, and another 150+ representatives from our partner companies. (If you missed it, you can watch the Overview partner training on-demand here.)

Jan. 22-26: I delivered deep-dive training for 140 distributor reps and nearly 170 partner reps that covered over a dozen specific scenarios (you can watch the Deep Dive partner training on-demand here).

Even after all that, we’re still not done!

On February 10, partners will be able to start registering their opportunities for the new Spark and Drive incentives.

Step-by-step guides will be available on the partner Incentives page of Citrix SalesIQ, and we will hold Systems training for any partners who need it on February 13. If you haven’t already, register now!

Additional Resources

To support and extend these trainings, we also have created several resources you can leverage or share with your team to ensure everyone has a full understanding of the new program. The top ones are:

We are beyond excited about the upcoming launch of our new incentives, and we want you to participate fully from Day 1! Learn about the program and understand the details and process so you can take advantage of all the benefits Citrix Ultimate Rewards has to offer you and your organization.

If you still have questions, contact your Partner Account Manager or your distributor. They’ve been thoroughly trained and can get you the answers you need.

P.S. Distributors – you can watch the Disti version of the Overview here and the Deep Dive here, and you can register for your systems training on Feb 8th here.

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