Citrix Blogs

Here’s What You Can Learn About ShareFile at Summit 2018

2017 was another banner year for ShareFile. We were recognized as a market-leading product in our space, with Gartner naming ShareFile as a leader in the Content Collaboration Platform category and Forrester recognizing ShareFile as a Leader in the Enterprise File Sync and Share Platforms, Cloud Solutions.

ShareFile also experienced tremendous growth in channel-driven sales in 2017, driven by the release of unlimited cloud storage for Citrix Service Providers. Partners embracing ShareFile were able to transform their businesses and build thriving cloud practices.

Partners attending Citrix Summit 2018 can capitalize on the momentum and growth of ShareFile by attending our breakout sessions and visiting us in the Citrix booth. Here’s what you can see and learn about ShareFile at Summit.

Sales Sessions

How ShareFile extends the value of Office 365 and GSuite

Have you ever gone to see one of your favorite bands in concert, and left the show feeling let down because they didn’t play the song you really wanted to hear? Hold that thought.

The most frequently asked question from Citrix partners about ShareFile is, “I sell Office 365 or G Suite, so why should I sell ShareFile?” Sessions covering this topic at Summit and Synergy 2017 were the highest-rated and most attended ShareFile sessions at each event. With thousands of partners selling Office 365 and GSuite, including nearly all Citrix partners, everyone’s looking for complementary software and services to help them create differentiation and a unique value proposition. In short, how ShareFile complements Office 365 and G Suite is our most popular song, and we’re not going to send you home disappointed that we didn’t play the hits.

Join us as we discuss new capabilities and innovation that strengthen our relationship with Microsoft and Google, how to find opportunities with Office 365 and G Suite customers, and how ShareFile extends the value of those subscriptions.

Win ShareFile deals by targeting verticals and lines of business

Gartner reports that CMOs spent more on technology than CIOs in 2017. Human Resources departments spend $14 billion a year on technology. A McKinsey study shows that SaaS companies that develop a vertical value proposition are 9.5 times more likely to close large deals than companies that don’t. For Citrix partners, there’s plenty of opportunity to tap into new budgets and define a vertical specialization with ShareFile.

In this session, you’ll learn how ShareFile custom workflows can develop your value proposition in several verticals, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and more. You’ll also learn common challenges in departments like marketing, human resources, and finance, and how to reach these audiences and budgets outside of IT.

Grow your CSP business with ShareFile

The ShareFile business through Citrix Service Providers grew tremendously in 2017, driven by partners like Wincourse Technologies. I’m thrilled to have Mike Vagnone, Managing Partner at Wincourse, join me in this session to talk about his experience with ShareFile.

We’ll discuss the ShareFile value proposition for CSPs, how Wincourse has shifted its sales strategy with ShareFile, and how leading with ShareFile has created managed services opportunities for his company.

Winning new business with ShareFile

One of the most successful Citrix partners selling ShareFile is Phases, a Citrix Solution Advisor based in Denmark. When I asked Daniel Horn, founder of Phases, why he’s focused so much energy on selling ShareFile, he smartly replied, “ShareFile is a great entry point into our clients, because 100% of them are working with files.”

This spot-on analysis is why so many Citrix partners are embracing ShareFile as a key part of their go-to-market strategy. In this session, you’ll learn about the evolution of ShareFile from an Enterprise File Sync and Share tool to a content collaboration platform, the ShareFile value proposition, and foolproof qualifying questions to create opportunities.

Technical Sessions

How to win ShareFile deals with storage flexibility

Raise your hand if you’re a Citrix partner and a customer has called you with an urgent need – they need storage, but they just can’t find it anywhere.

Hands still by your side? Storage has become cheap and plentiful, meaning the challenge has shifted; it’s no longer about procuring storage for them, it’s about helping them manage document sprawl.

In this technical session, you will learn how to deploy ShareFile StorageZones and Connectors to address customer’s data fragmentation and data sovereignty requirements.

Security and Compliance stories from the field: ShareFile – your secret weapon

Users love ShareFile because it gives them the ability to stay productive, no matter where they are and what device they’re using. IT loves ShareFile because it helps them with compliance and industry regulations while adding a layer of security to their documents.

In fact, the most recent Forrester Wave report gave Citrix ShareFile the highest “Security Capabilities” score of any Enterprise File Sync and Share provider.

In this session, you’ll learn about the features that contributed to that score, including Information Rights Management, Data Loss Prevention, and how we can help with compliance in highly-regulated industries.

How to leverage ShareFile to optimize a virtual environment

Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop customers using another content collaboration platform or file sync and share tool may have had an unfortunate discovery after deployment: it didn’t work.

Running a file sync and share tool in a virtual environment has special requirements that call for a specialized tool. In this session, you’ll learn how ShareFile has been optimized to work efficiently in virtual environments, how Drive Mapper can increase ShareFile adoption, as well as tips and tricks to keep maximize performance in XenApp and XenDesktop environments.

Demos and questions

Lastly, the ShareFile team will be in the Citrix booth to answer your questions and to demo the product. Please stop by to see workflows, Drive Mapper, Information Rights Management, Connectors, and eSignatures in action!

Learn more about ShareFile.

Follow Eric Kenney on Twitter.

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