Citrix Blogs

Wind Energy Leader Powers Productivity and Security with Citrix Solutions

Citrix recently teamed up with IBM and best-selling author and futurist Jacob Morgan to discuss the future of work at an event hosted by The Churchill Club in Silicon Valley. The discussion examined how leading companies are harnessing the convergence of cloud, mobile, and AI to power new work styles to improve employee engagement and productivity. And the panelists foreshadowed a brave new world where all types of workers — from tech-savvy millennials to far-flung contractors — could connect and collaborate anywhere, anytime using digital workspaces that were both adaptive and secure.

Vestas Wind Systems, the world’s leading wind turbine supplier, is one company that’s putting this future vision into practice today. Vestas has a diverse group of employees, from workers sanding blades on the factory floor to engineers to contractors designing, installing, and maintaining wind turbines in all corners of the globe. Until recently, paper-laden processes and fixed infrastructure stymied collaboration and created extra work for these employees. With Citrix virtualization and mobility solutions, Vestas has created personalized digital workspaces that give workers access to the apps and data they need to be productive and foster collaboration with co-workers around the world.

“Work is not a place, it’s something you do.” says Vestas IT Architect Kristoffer Nicolajsen. “Citrix allows our employees to work the way they want and the way they’re most productive.”

Citrix allows our employees to work the way they want and the way they’re most productive.

Nicolajsen says Citrix provides an added benefit of infrastructure and information security, so employees and third parties can collaborate effectively and efficiently while protecting vital intellectual property from flowing to competitors.

In this week’s installment of the Citrix 100 Days of Customers video series, Vestas IT Architects Kristoffer Nicolajsen and Thomas Daugaard share how their team is supporting innovation and enabling new ways for employees to do their jobs better using Citrix solutions.

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