Citrix Blogs

Taking Charge of the GDPR – It’s Not Just for Lawyers and Compliance Geeks

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline is 25 May, 2018. If you think you’re immune from its impact, think again.

It’s not just companies based in the EU that are going to be impacted—any company that serves customers or individuals in the EU needs to sit up and take notice. In a nutshell, GDPR will require companies to document personal data that they’re collecting, how they use that data and how they secure it.  Do you know how you are going to manage that?

Ignore GDPR at your own peril

Did you know that enterprises that fail to implement the required data protection processes and system can face fines of up to 20 million euros or 4% of your global annual revenue? Yikes! In a recent survey, we found that while 67% of respondents are aware of GDPR, only about half have started to prepare for the new regulations.

Learn from a Security Expert

In the webinar, “Taking charge of the GDPR,” Lawrence Dietz, Colonel (Retired), US Army and General Counsel and Managing Director of Information Security at TAL Global shares potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. You’ll learn how GDPR is different from other existing regulations, what scenarios you may encounter along the way and how a secure digital workspace can help.

Taking charge of the GDPR
November 16th, 2017, 16.00 GMT
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