Citrix Blogs

Citrix 100 Days of Customers – Clint Newell Auto Group Drives Growth with Citrix Cloud

While SaaS apps, mobility, and cloud have delivered great benefits, the rapid adoption and convergence of these technologies have also created an unintended side-effect: complexity. Application, device, and cloud sprawl afflict companies of all sizes and creates a high degree of uncertainty across the business:

But complexity and uncertainty don’t need to rule (or ruin) your business; you can pursue your cloud strategy with confidence. And many savvy business and IT leaders are doing just that by employing a secure digital workspace strategy that unifies app on-boarding, delivery, and management.

For proof, look no further than Clint Newell Auto Group, a $60 million car dealership in Roseburg, Oregon. Exasperated by paying an IT consultant to put Band-Aids on aging servers, switches and other equipment, it was time to move to the cloud. Citrix Cloud provided Clint Newell the flexibility to pursue its cloud strategy with confidence, on-boarding and managing all its applications from a single control plane, while at the same time extending new capabilities to their mobile workforce so they could better serve customers on the lot and in the field.

The shift to Citrix Cloud services also improved the scalability of Clint Newell’s IT infrastructure, giving them the confidence to take on new apps, locations, and business opportunities. The dealership drove all this added value at a lower cost than an on-premises deployment.

In fact, company President Client Newell likens Citrix Cloud to a Chevy Suburban: “Tremendous utility… capacity… good in all conditions… and does it all very, very comfortably.”

Tremendous utility… capacity… good in all conditions… and does it all very, very comfortably.

Watch the Clint Newell Auto Group story direct from the source. In our fourth customer success story in the Citrix 100 Days of Customers video series, company President Clint Newell and CTO Ryan Parker share how they modernized IT and drove business innovation with Citrix Cloud.

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