Citrix Blogs

Ransomware Hits Every 40 Seconds — Is Your Company Ready?

The ransomware threat continues to grow.

According to Kaspersky, in 2016 a company was hit by a ransomware attack every 40 seconds—a threefold increase over the previous year. Fueled in part by the emergence of ransomware as a service (RaaS), ransomware is now a $1 billion business worldwide, with recent victims in industries from colleges to healthcare to municipal services, not to mention the countless businesses that prefer to keep quiet about such incidents.

Even beyond the payment demanded by hackers, the impact of these attacks can be immediate and severe. Every minute that data remains encrypted and inaccessible to the business, production can be slowed or stopped entirely. In healthcare, patient care can freeze, delaying vital treatment and putting lives at risk. Attacks on city, state and federal agencies can disrupt public order—especially if an unrelated crisis occurs while employees are unable to take effective action. Any incident of hacking can damage a company’s brand, but for those with sensitive private customer data, the threat of public exposure can add to the pressure to pay up; imagine the consequences for a law firm or financial services company whose customers’ most personal information suddenly appears online in full public view.

Whatever business you’re in, protection against ransomware must now be a core element of your cybersecurity strategy. Citrix helps customers avoid the damage and disruption of data taken hostage. In our webinar, we discuss five ways companies can reduce the risk of a successful ransomware attack without impeding user productivity or constraining IT innovation. With these strategies, you can:

Customer feedback tells us that the Citrix approach to security is proving effective in the real world. One company, a leader in the healthcare industry, reports that our solutions help them successfully defend at least one ransomware attack each week, ensuring that they can continue to deliver life-saving care to patients without falling victim to hacker extortion.

I encourage you to attend our webinar, Contain and Isolate Ransomware, and learn how you can prevent this rising threat from jeopardizing your business and your customers. All trends point to a banner year for hackers in 2017—make sure you don’t end up on their list of successes!

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July 27, 2017
10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM CET
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