Ah, summer! A time when millions of people take a break halfway through the year to recharge their batteries. They turn on the out-of-office messages and head to mountains, beaches, or amusement parks. They reconnect with their families, friends and even themselves, taking a mental break from the first half of the year in order to prepare for the second.

During summer, like many of you, we reflect on our accomplishments, review our strategies, and make adjustments where needed to accomplish the goals we set for the rest of the year. And in that spirit, we recently launched a Cloud Readiness Survey for Citrix Partners. We want to know where you are on your journey to the building or growing your cloud practice. By understanding where you’re at on that journey, we can better develop enablement tools and resources to meet you at your point of need.

The survey is brief and should take you less than 10 minutes to complete. If you provide your email address in the survey, we’ll send you a summary report after we’ve analyzed the data, along with how you compare to your peers.

If the link above doesn’t work, simply copy and paste this URL into your browser: https://citrix.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Qsbj2DQnfgClLL

The survey will only be active until July 28th, so take a few minutes now to respond!

If you have any questions, please email us at PartnerCloudEnablement@citrix.com or contact your local Citrix Partner Account Manager.

Wherever your summer travels may take you, enjoy your time off – and don’t forget to reapply the sunscreen!

Connect with Ash on Twitter: @_ashvijay

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