Citrix Blogs

Get Citrix Early-Access Training at a Discounted Rate!

Be among the first to get brand-new course content and product features with early access classes offered at a 50% discount!

New course releases are first available for Early Access through the Citrix Learning Center. The Citrix Learning Center, located in our Fort Lauderdale office, offers classes that can be attended either in person or virtually.

Why take an Early Access class?

Ask to speak with a Citrix Education representative today to attend an early access class!

Course Date Location
CTX-270EA: Early Access: Citrix Enterprise Security Solutions July 24 Fort Lauderdale & Virtual
CXD-252EA: Early Access: Moving to the XenApp and XenDesktop Service on Citrix Cloud and Microsoft Azure July 31 Fort Lauderdale & Virtual
CXD-251EA: Early Access: Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Service on Microsoft Azure Aug 3 Fort Lauderdale & Virtual

For more information and to view additional upcoming classes at the Citrix Learning Center, please visit:

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