Citrix Blogs

The Methodology Behind Success!

From time to time when working with our customers, I hear comments, such as ‘the environment isn’t performing’ or ‘the Citrix environment is broken!’ and as a Citrix Consultant, I probably hear the latter of these more often.

The last couple of customer projects I have been engaged on have involved deployments that have evolved over time and the original requirements, which the environment set out to meet, have long since changed. Or the business initiatives may have changed direction and new user requirements have been ‘bolted on’ and not fully assessed.

Now if you are in a similar position, I urge you to STOP! Take a step back, grab a cup of coffee and hopefully the remainder of this blog may provide some assistance to you.

Before I begin, there are two previous blog posts that I recommend, which have certainly assisted me and I have used for reference: and

Now, when I joined Citrix Consulting just a little over 4 years ago, I was introduced to the methodology of projects – something I wasn’t used to before being a techie! The methodology to which I was introduced was the Assess, Design, and Deploy process with each playing its own crucial phase!

Now, I hear you ask: why is this so important! I, myself, also asked this same question, until recently when I found that it really does work and is key to the project success we all search for!

So, how does this methodology work?

After all that, I can hear you all saying that we haven’t got time for this or it’s a very lengthy procedure to deploy a Citrix environment! Well, I can’t stress enough from my personal experience that following this methodology strongly strengthens the chances of your project succeeding, de-risking it against common mistakes and challenges, and is a methodology which Citrix Consulting have used for a long time! Therefore, it’s proven too!

For more information surrounding the Consulting Methodology please visit:

Thanks for reading!

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