Citrix Blogs

Government Security Doesn’t Have to be a Challenge

Citrix is a recognized leader for its contributions to the advancement of IT security that can help you take a “protect what matters” approach to security and risk management that’s right for your agency.

As secure data needs to move across locations, networks, and devices, government IT teams need the visibility, user access control, and the ability to protect agency information without having to compromise workforce and end user mobility, freedom or productivity.

Join us for the Government Forum at Citrix Synergy 2017 on Thursday, May 25th at 3:30pm for an interactive networking session that will feature a mix of market information focused on the security challenges of IT modernization that government agencies face today, and the customer experiences and best practices to help address those challenges. These high-level business discussions will offer insight on how Citrix integrated technology solutions provide seamless secure access to applications and data while optimizing networks, reducing IT costs, and enhancing workforce productivity. The sessions will close with a one-hour networking reception offering customer-led hot topic roundtables and associated demos, so bring your questions and receive real-time feedback to help you build a successful IT security roadmap for your department or agency.

For more information on Synergy 2017 visit, or for details around Citrix IT solutions for Government visit

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