Recognized, Respected and Accepted Globally
We understand that communicating your credentials in an ever-expanding online marketplace can be challenging. That is why Citrix Education recently launched a new digital badging initiative that will allow you to share and promote your Citrix certification across varying online platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and your personal websites and blogs.
Citrix Education is providing this free service so you may share verified proof of your achievement wherever and whenever you choose. Your Citrix certification credentials will be represented by a digital image, which contains verified metadata that describes your qualifications and the rigorous process required to earn them. With these badges, you will:
- combine your credentials to form a complete overview of your skills
- email or display your qualifications on social and professional networking sites
- provide employers with easy, valid verification of your credentials
The initial pilot phase for this initiative will focus on delivering digital badges to those that have achieved our expert-level certification, the CCE-V. Citrix Education has partnered with Acclaim to deliver your badges through their online digital badging platform. If you have not received your badge, please email Orlando Martinez at
We hope you enjoy the additional convenience and professional recognition afforded by this new offering.
Below are a Few FAQs:
You may find them useful in case you have questions about the offering.
Q: What is an Open Badge?
A: A badge is a representation of an outcome or achievement. Badges are often used in contexts like scouting, gaming, social sites and rankings or authority. Open Badges refer specifically to badges that adhere to an open standard being led by Mozilla for recognizing and validating learning. Open Badges are secure, web-enabled credentials that contain granular, verified information employers can use to evaluate an individual’s potential.
Q: How does my credential get displayed as a badge?
A: Your credentialing program partners with a platform like Acclaim to translate the learning outcomes or experiences into a digital badge based on the Open Badges standard defined by Mozilla. That means you are now able to accept, manage and share your credential as a digital asset.
Q: How is displaying my credential as a badge useful?
A: Representing your credentials as badges gives you the ability to broadcast your skills and tell your professional story online with single-click access to validated credential information. Many employers are learning about Open Badges, so curating an online portfolio of your credentials will place you at the forefront of what will become a convenient currency for communicating professional skills.
Q: I have my CCA-V and CCP-V, why have I not received a badge?
A: Currently, digital badges are only being distributed to those that achieve their CCE-V as part of our initial pilot.
Q: I have my CCE-V but have not received my badge, what should I do?
A: Badges have been issued based on the latest email information we have from I7 ( If you have changed emails recently, please update your information in I7 and reach out to so that he can resend your badge to the correct email.
Q: Who is Acclaim?
A: Acclaim is a product of Pearson, the world’s leading learning company. Its focal point is an enterprise-class badging platform based on Mozilla’s Open Badges standards to support the specialized needs of credential issuers, employers and professionals. The Acclaim platform provides a secure means of storage, transport and credential publishing that adds a layer of protection against those who may falsely claim certifications or credentials. Acclaim also provides strategic consulting services around efficacy, credential program design, assessment, learning and badge system design. Acclaim is dedicated to growing a trusted and secure ecosystem around digital credentials to help education providers, high-stakes credentialing organizations, learners and employers unlock the potential of badges.
Q: What if I don’t want my credential to be public?
A: If you don’t want your credential to be visible to the public, you can make it private. If you don’t want your profile to be visible to the public, you can make it private. If you don’t even want a credential in the form of a badge, you can discard it. All information regarding you and your credentials can be configured within your Acclaim account.
Q: Is there a fee for using Acclaim?
A: No. Using Acclaim to store, manage and broadcast your credentials is free for badge earners. Acclaim works with credentialing issuers to offset any costs and to ensure you have a best-in-class platform.
Q: What’s to keep someone from copying my badge and using it?
A: While badges are simply digital image files, they are uniquely linked to data hosted on the Acclaim platform. This link to verified data makes them more reliable and secure than a traditional paper-based credential.
Q: Can I include badges on my resume or LinkedIn profile?
A: Yes. Every credential and profile on Acclaim has a unique URL that can be embedded on a resume or website. Acclaim also offers seamless integration with several popular social and professional networking platforms for the display of credentials as badges. If we are not currently connected with a particular platform that you use, please go to