Citrix Blogs

Now you see me…. Now you don’t! (A guide to hiding published resources)

I loved magic tricks as a child and one Christmas I received a Paul Daniels magic set. The key to success for any magic trick is an acute focus on what the audience is actually seeing (or thinks that they are seeing) and I remember practicing in front of a mirror for hours trying to perfect the tricks which involved sleight of hand. This kind of focus on “user experience” is something I still find myself thinking about today when designing virtual desktop solutions.

User perception can make or break a deployment and one of the items that I see constantly getting overlooked during the design phase is the finer details of the end user experience.

In particular, controlling when and how resources are presented to users can have huge impact on the overall usability and security of an environment.

The good news is that XenDesktop 7.5 has a number of different tools which control when published apps and desktop are visible to users. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each filtering method to understand some appropriate use cases for each.

And finally, in the spirit of my handy Paul Daniels magic set I will give some worked examples for each method so you can practise the magic for yourselves at home.

METHOD #1 Delivery Group Access Policy

The simplest method of controlling application visibility can be done directly in the XenDesktop Studio console on a per delivery group basis. In this you can control whether applications appear based on a number of criteria:




Access Policy filters are useful for removing an entire delivery group of secure published applications or desktops located in an isolated delivery group from external or un-trusted locations and devices. I have implemented this with public sector customers to only allow access to sensitive central government applications from approved remote locations using approved devices as identified via NetScaler EPA scans. For more information on Access Policy settings visit: I also suggest you have a look at the following Citrix Consulting blog post which sums up perfectly how powerful SmartAccess is. 

METHOD #2 Exclusion Filters

The access policies in method 1 actually have a number of extra filter settings under the hood that are configured with the XenDesktop SDK via PowerShell.  They can be used to restrict visibility of delivery groups based on a variety of additional criteria including:




This method is useful for deployments where a NetScaler Gateway is not being directly accessed by the client device.

I have implemented this method with a customer who wanted to prevent remote users from accessing a specific application from within a published desktop.

I started with a filter to hide the application from external users connecting from a NetScaler Gateway. This was then combined with a filter based on the client IP address of the XenApp worker servers hosting the remote user published desktop. This ensures that Receiver running within the published remote user desktop (which effectively becomes the client device connecting directly to StoreFront) does not see the application either. For more information on Exclusion filters visit:

METHOD #3 StoreFront SDK Filters

New for StoreFront 2.5 the SF SDK now supports resource filtering on a per Store basis. Unlike the previous methods this also supports resource filtering on a per application basis rather than just the delivery group. Visibility can be restricted using the following:




SDK filtering brings the one feature I really missed from Web Interface and makes it better. Having the ability to hide specific applications and desktops from individual stores has huge potential for a variety of use cases. One such use case is hiding a published desktop from the receiver running within it while still retaining access to the published apps in the delivery group. For more information on SF SDK filters visit Feng Huang’s original blog post on the subject: /blogs/2014/03/27/hiding-applications-in-citrix-storefront/


So which filter is best? The answer in most cases will probably be a mixture of one or more filter types. You can combine multiple filters from multiple methods to give the user experience required for any given situation.


As promised, here are some step by step example use cases to demonstrate how the above filters work.


Some of these methods use PowerShell to leverage SDK commands on the StoreFront and Desktop controller servers. There are a couple of steps you will need to do to enable the PowerShell commands.


     EXAMPLE #1 Delivery Group Access Policy Filters:


 EXAMPLE #2 Exclusion Filters:


 EXAMPLE #3 StoreFront SDK Filters:

In this example I will hide all published desktops and then proceed to hide individual applications from within a delivery group using specific keywords.

Dave Brear  – Citrix Consulting

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